Before I get to that, a former student of mine sent me an email where he mentioned, I quote “Let’s not forget that Greta T is part of the left-wing movement championing a false climate change narrative.”
Since I wrote a blog in praise of Greta Thunberg some months ago, occasionally a few friends & associates send me messages like that. I need to acknowledge, that there are not that many. I have ignored such comments. We all know, people are entitled to their opinions; do not think that everyone will go along with your views in life. Most certainly, I know that and accept it. However, this was from a caring and supportive student of mine for many years. Because of that, I felt a need to answer such statements by sharing with readers of why I am a supporter of Greta and her position and also share with this student some historical precedents of why I dismiss such statements that may be present in certain media circles.
Quite a bit of my sharing has links to my personal experiences and what I knew and saw which many of you readers may not know about.
Hopefully, I would not scare you with some things from my personal life. By the way, most of these personal titbits you can hear in my audiobook Rex Lassalle & The Alchemy of TIME.
I need to go back to 1971; this is long before Greta was born. I was in prison that year for having led an Army Mutiny in Trinidad & Tobago. That was also the year that Marvin Gaye released his big hit, “What’s going On”. Why am I mentioning this?
Well in that same period and a few years previous the American Civil Rights movement was in its heyday. A key person in this movement was Stokely Carmichael who coined the term Black Power, which became synonymous with this movement. Please read on… I am still addressing the Greta projection of my student friend.
Most certainly Stokely was viewed as a major threat to the US political establishment. Another key component of the Civil Rights movement was the Black Panthers. A joining of forces was waxing in late 1968 between leaders of the Black Panthers and Stokely.
Please, readers, I am sharing social history as to how things unfold and the dynamics of when certain persons and their viewpoints become a threat to major organizations and governments that false projections are attached to them. By late 1968, the CIA created a narrative that Stokely Carmichael was a CIA agent. Leaders of the Black Panther party believed it and now Carmichael had two groups after him; the CIA and the Black Panthers. In early 1969 he left America and moved to Guinea in Africa to live.
That Greta Thunberg and her civil actions are a threat to big business and especially the Petro Chemical industry. Most certainly she is. That such groups and governments will create organizations and movements that have agents from other groups that are inherently part of an effort to discredit her efforts. Obviously, that is going on. Plus such groups or organizations would tend to carry a more up your nose and disruptive dimension to it, seeking to hold the Vanguard position for Climate Change when in fact they are “agents provocateur”. All of that will most certainly surround her efforts and activities. For that reason, I share my prison experience, as going through such challenges your senses become attuned to those realities.
Let me return to 1971, besides where I was Marvin Gaye came out with his most popular song and production up to that time called What’s Going On.
Rex, why are you now going back to Marvin Gaye and what does that have to do with Greta Thunberg?
Please be a bit patient some things in life are not just a click away and instant. One has to give research data for one’s historical statements. I am now getting into my work and my investigation, which is not part of the mainstream view-point but which has more than 4 decades of work behind it and certainly way over ten thousand hours of my efforts with it. These days you have to blow your own trumpet and put it out there where your efforts have been. Anyway, enough about me back to Mr Gaye and Ms Thunberg. Marvin was born 2 April 1939. This makes him a double 7 Metal Star personality. For those who are new to this subject, I have written 3 books on this topic; the sold-out Grasshopping Through Time, The Time of Your Life… is it Now? My latest book is Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME.
Anyway, it so happens that Greta Thunberg has the same star pattern as Marvin. Yes, the double 7 Metal star personality. She was born on January 3rd 2003.
“OK Rex, so what?”
On that album What’s Going On? Marvin sang Mercy Mercy Me, which was about the environment. As far as I know, it was the first Ecology song about our toxic environment and climate issues. Are we to imply that Marvin was part of the left-wing movement championing false climate change narrative? Who knows maybe we may soon see such implications on social media about Marvin.
The reality of what Marvin was about with that song and the songs on this album was a pure heart concern for all the suffering and pain that was the social reality of the world in which we live. By the way, none of it has changed since back then. Along comes, Greta with her personal pain and health challenges and it would seem that this student friend of mine is denying the reality of what she is saying is happening and I guess he would say Marvin’s song was all illusionary none of that was happening in America. So be it, flat earth believers are still with us.
Just on a passing note, former US Vice President Al Gore is also a double 7 Metal Star personality, born March 31, 1948. Am I saying that all people who have such a pattern is all Environmental activist…no I am not? Just showing though how some dots line up around this issue with people who are speaking from a place of authenticity about it.
Here is Greta speaking to EU leaders
Then the genius of Marvin Gaye and his artistry
Are any of these presentations false and inauthentic, should such information be suppressed and maligned by people who have other agendas?
I say no more.
Fascinating looking forward to reading more.