Rex Lassalle is a world-renowned Master in the Japanese healing art of Shiatsu and an authority on Oriental Astrology and it’s impact on health. He is also an experienced osteopath and Aikidoka (practitioner of Aikido).
During the past four decades, Rex has been right at the cutting edge of bodywork practices in Europe and further afield. He helped to establish the East West Centre and Community Health Foundation in London in 1976, and set up his own Hara Shiatsu School in London in 1986. By the mid 1980s, Rex had amassed a wealth of insights from his work, which he combined with his deep understanding of Oriental five element theory and Nine Star Ki Astrology to develop a unique system of understanding that Time itself has another dimension beyond simple linear measurement. Rex observed that Time carries very specific discernible qualities, and that these qualities are discernible and have an ongoing influence upon us.
Rex’s latest book Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME connects you to the core of your emotional needs. In writing that I have become aware of how taboo a subject that is for the majority of people. There seems to be some urge to say I am stressed or tired or sad but please don’t go any further. That is the assumption I have to make as regards what is happening with their inner chatter. I am inviting the reader to pull that curtain and open to a new experience filled with empowering possibilites yet quite simple and very real with the suggestions that I make in bringing You home to You. For sure seeing who you are is a key and I spell it out for you in this book. Not being arrogant but it is on the button when you read it. Then for those who feel pain or discomfort reading about who they are, some readers can at times feel that they have missed out as that was not how it was or is. Then I share simple practical ways that support you to transform that “trauma” or pain. Not from your head, yes from your feelings, your emotions. In case you did not realize it, once that “taboo” subject is aligned with your feel good factor. Your life is then on a Roll. I invite you to get it and come home to yourself.