Before I do, here is this wonderful video clip that my cousin Greg did for me on Be Easy Sotai
I am well aware it is rare these days for people to acknowledge those who has influenced their work and how they do it. Yet, I feel it is very important to acknowledge those who nourished and inspired you with their work. Plus that acknowledgement allows students and researchers to know how your work developed and unfolded.
As I shared in my autobiographical audio book Rex Lassalle & The Alchemy of TIME Kanetsuka Sensei is the one who influenced how I do Za Zen.
Be Easy Sotai
has Kanetsuka’s influence in how I teach it and do it.
What is inspiring and beautiful about his approach is the biological aspect that influences his way of engaging his findings. He speaks lucidly about the work of Moshe Feldenkrais. Higlighting his way of working with the body to restore balance and create healing.
Norman Doidge on Neuroplasticity and the Brain’s way of healing, full interview on You Tube.
Our bodies are giving us signals all the time a lot of it arises from the Unconscious. Bringing this element into Sotai creates grace and smoothness with movements. Especially after doing a Be Easy Sotai application.
The Unconscious communication is at the core of my education as a child. Both my parents were wisdom holders of reading unconscious manifestations that showed up in the environment. They had a constant hundred percent accuracy. I spoke about this at great length in my autobiographical audio book…Rex Lassalle & The Alchemy of TIME.
The other major influence on My Be Easy Sotai is that of Marma points. The short attention span is a dominant theme for people these days. Compared to 15 years ago, this is a chronic situation. Everything is just a click away. Along with this our digital world is surrounded by distractions. I use Marma points to restore focus and gentle awareness. From this the person can feel how it is to Be in their Bodies. For many of us we are only aware when the body has pain. What is also interesting, especially in the last 5 years is that people are attached to their pain body. Many have no idea what it is like to Feel at Home in their body. Be Easy Sotai gives you that.
In my Spa book for shoulders, neck & face has a number of charts about Marma Points and I do show how to use them in that book