Be Easy Sotai #2

with osteopath &shiatsu master Rex Lassalle

Helsinki, Sunday May 22nd, 2022 klo 10-17

“I’ve attended Rex’s classes many times during the past thirty five
years, and I feel that he’s found a completely fresh and innovative
approach to solving the puzzle of people’s endless programmes of self sabotage. Come and join us, and be truly amazed.”

John Lewis

What is Sotai?

Very often, human beings sabotage and block their free & happy engagement with the natural environment because of long-standing blocks & disturbances within their muscular system, their breathing patterns and their minds.

Sotai is a systematic form of exercise using both active and passive movements to correct such problems. It does not involve any strenuous or uncomfortable movements, but strives for pleasure and ease of movement to restore one’s physical equilibrium.

Sotai was invented by Keizo Hashimoto (1897-1993) a Japanese doctor from Sendai.

Be Easy Sotai #2

Following on from a truly inspiring and informative day engaging the spirit of Sotai with Rex last week, the adventure will continue in late May. We’ve booked the beautiful Hoiva Shanti on the 4th floor, with room for 18 students, comfortably. If you really want to connect with greater freedom and joy in the movement of your body and mind, come join us!


  • Joogakoulu Shanti, Runeberginkatu 43, 00100 Helsinki.


  • 125 Euros for the day


Or using the form below.

Rex Lassalle