The Feelings Kit Ritual is a ritual that was created by the late founder of Young Living Gary Young.

From what I can glean and also what I am aware of is that Gary was very interested and fascinated with ancient knowledge and skills that was present in many pre historic cultures. The wisdom of Egypt did hold his interest and as we know the ancient Egyptians were very involved with essential oils. The inspiration from this is at the source of the Feelings Kit Ritual.

I have seen different versions about it on the Internet. The version that I have used is the one that Dr David Stewart wrote about which Gary Young did in Vienna in September 2008.

I have done some innovations to it as I have done it over the years where I use certain Marma points in the ritual.

Yes I am showing my Trinidadian nature by bringing fusion and innovations into the creative process. This is standard practice with Trinidadians and their creative approach.

Anyway here is what it consists of, they are these six Young Living oil blends; Valor, Harmony, Forgiveness , Release, Present Time and Inner Child oil.

Before I share about how to do it.

Let me acknowledge that a lot of how many people who have used or talk about it on the Internet is not my approach to doing it. Neither am I  motivated by how many have written about it.
I say that as you see things like “Manage your anger do the Feelings Ritual” fix your emotions “do the Feelings Ritual” also things like “master your emotional life”

Plus, the results that have happened for many friends and clients who have done it is very much outside a sequential experience of “my anger was fixed or whatever else was fixed.” Went way beyond this where many people have had life changing experiences.

The orientation that I am suggesting is one that is very much acknowledging the potency of these essential oils that are far away from our “fix it” all knowing mind set. Instead, it is one of embracing the Quantum Field and facilitating its presence. This is done by how you approach your oil blend. Give it Space that word that is at the core of our healing process. It is within Space that transformation occurs.

When you open that bottle of oil, give thanks for having it and acknowledge that those tiny molecules that is creating that fragrance is also sending waves back to that mother tree/forest from where it came. In the same way a wave returns from those trees/forest. Such an attitude to the oils amplifies the potency of the blend.

Yes the oils do have chemical constituents, that are particles and these particles do carry waves as that fragrance crosses the blood brain barrier.  Then to the amygdala where there are many emotions that keep us removed from our full potential. Yet it does it with that softness and ease that dissolves and transforms such stagnancy and blockages from our being.

At the heart of it, I am suggesting that you engage in doing it as a ceremony. A ceremony where you give thanks for the day that is now ending and preparing for another journey as you head to sleep.  Allowing this ritual to connect both as a particle and wave with your subconscious mind to bring you to deeper levels of harmony and healing in your life.

“Thought equals frequency. Essential oils absorb our thoughts. They are registered in the oils as intent. The intent is directed energy. When you apply an intent-energized oil on your feet, it can saturate all of your cells within 60 seconds, stimulating creative thinking and pushing negative energy out of the cells, thus increasing the frequencies of the cells throughout the body. In that uplifted state you can create a new desire to be better tomorrow. You have no limitations but those you choose to accept.”

  • Gary Young, Founder, Young Living Oils


Put Valor oil on the soles of both feet before bedtime. Valor is effective in erasing limited thinking. Valor balances and equalizes the body’s energies, thereby increasing oxygen intake to the pineal gland, the seat of our higher intelligence and intuitive faculties. You will wake up in the morning more self-assured and more ready to start the day.

Massage one drop of Harmony oil on each of the energy center points of your body. There are seven of these along the spine: Coccyx, Sacrum, Lumbar, Dorsal (heart), Cervical (where the neck meets shoulders), and Medulla (hollow place at centre base of the skull), and Pineal (centre of forehead). You can also massage Harmony on the crown of the head. Harmony balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. This gives us progressive creativity and feelings of confidence. “The biggest sin is not having confidence in yourself,” says Gary. “He who lacks confidence lacks life.”

Apply Forgiveness oil around the navel with the right hand, going clockwise several times and think of situations where you need to forgive yourself or others. It is important to rub a vegetable oil onto your navel, be it sesame, olive or almond oil before applying Forgiveness to your navel. This will create a smoother experience. We beat up ourselves, but everyone makes mistakes. Yet we struggle to forgive our own mistakes and those of others. Lack of forgiveness is one of the most common roots of physical, mental, and spiritual disease. Lack of forgiveness does not make the other person sick: it makes us sick. Forgiveness is for our own benefit. It is accomplished in five steps.


1.    Forgive yourself for allowing the other person or situation to affect your health and happiness.
2.    Forgive the other person for any harm he or she may have caused you.
3.    Give the other person permission to forgive you.
4.    See the good in the situation.
5.    Be thankful for the experience and the lesson it taught you. Inhale and apply Forgiveness oil while going through these steps, and repeat as often as necessary to clear feelings that need forgiving.

Negative energy goes into the blood, and then into the liver for cleansing, and here the toxins can remain trapped. As a result, the liver often becomes a storage place for anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, envy, addictions and a host of destructive feelings. Apply a drop of Release oil on your tongue to release the poison of stored negative emotions from the liver. Put 2 drops of Release over the liver area on your right ribs. Drink lots of pure water.

When we live in the past or dwell on the future, we are not being productive in the present. Put a drop of Present Time oil on to the thymus reflex area, which is located on the upper sternum. Massage it in for a while then tap that upper sternum a few times. This is also the location of the Marma point Jatru. The mental stabilizer ritual
Besides keeping you focused on today’s tasks, this can also help you financially, by increasing your abundance consciousness in the present moment.

“When you are a child all things are possible. There are no limitations,” says Gary Young. “When you find your inner child, you have found your true self. The child in you is your creativity.” Apply one drop of Inner Child oil onto the tip of your thumb and then place your thumb onto the roof of your mouth. This energetically opens the cranial sutures and stimulates the pineal, pituitary, and other areas of the emotional brain that occupy the space just above the roof of your mouth. Walking backwards as you do this while you have your thumb in your mouth may look stupid, but it changes the rotation in the pelvis, elongating the spine, and decompressing the discs in your back. As a result, you can clear the nerve channels for energy to flow smoothly throughout your brain and body. Take 9 slow steps backwards.

That is how you do the Feelings Kit Ritual. I will be sharing most days about this Ritual and adding other subtleties in doing it and the variations that may occur as you do it.

Rex Lassalle

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Rex Lassalle