There is a long tradition going back endless centuries in Finland where this day is celebrated with great joy and gratitude.
HAPPINESS – Its in Our Nature
This is the “mantra” sound byte that surrounds the marketing of Finland.
No they did not hire me to write this

One of the blessings Finland has granted me is that of making me more receptive to the communication that is very alive in her forest, lakes, rocks, birds and the core of her nature.
Well aware that how I am writing about this is non scientific be that as it may, nevertheless certain poems arose from my daily walks in the forest.
These poems are a few from my forthcoming book Finnish Moments
I share them here with you as we celebrate Summer Solstice

FOREST ROYALTY There he stood in his court Boundaries ever present Fallen logs in place Creating his court Guardian Princess in the North Signalling her role Guardian Prince in the East All outside his court Some days visiting is taboo Do obey As obedience has its blessings Also its guidance Grace and smoothness Is bestowed As receptive listening and revealing signs Brings its rewards O Royal Tree Thanks for granting me Eyes to see you Feeling your ever present encompassing my aura

THOSE ROOTS Such sanctity they bring Such ease of being Seeing them, feeling them Hearing them as thump happens When my boots walk on them Reassuring me that I am safe I am connected I am rooted What a blessings you Roots are to my life.

Singing Moon Praises There she sat this Golden Orb of Light As birds, branches, leaves and gentle wind Kept singing praises to her This April moon is thanked for raising their sap Bringing beauty and light after that long Winter Then a Crow would have to announce its dominance of space Yet the symphony of beauty and elegance kept filling the space As reverence was evoked in this gestalt moment Singing Moon Praises dominated that dawn. Oh how receptive nature is to the Moon As she sits there on her throne in space Praises and gratitude are obviously present!

AUTUMN GOODBYE Autumn Leaves saying goodbye As Mother Nature calls her beings home Yet can’t leave without enchanting colours Sparkle the eyes The closing of another season Nostalgic radiances abounds in the space Heart spaces are tugged by loved ones Memories, smells, sounds all arise As those goodbye leaves remind us Of yesteryear goodbyes Longings and missing ever present in the space Autumn Goodbye and its imposing presence.
Thank You for reading and celebrating this Summer Solstice with me.

Summer solstice reverberates longer and stronger with your words..resounding… Stretching time and space. Thank You