October Eclipse Nine Fire Month in 2023

9 Fire Child Star month with 4 Wood in South and 5 Earth in North

We are presently in the 9 Fire Child Star month as it began on October 9th and will run till November 7th

My blogs and insights are not about predictions…they are about offering guidance and ways that we can best engage with the 9 Fire Child Star energy this month.

of changes going on in the world at the moment at all levels.

What is the 9 Fire Child Star about?

Fundamentally, it is about Action.

The 9 Fire Star carries a transforming energy. In a way it pushes things to the edge of its boundaries.
9 Fire Star Actions tend to grab our attention. They become moments when those actions create then being the Centre of Attention.

What to Expect?

My blogs and insights are not about predictions…they are about offering guidance and ways that we can best engage with the 9 Fire Child Star energy this month.

What is the 9 Fire Child Star about?

Fundamentally, it is about Action.
The 9 Fire Star carries a transforming energy. In a way it pushes things to the edge of its boundaries.
9 Fire Star Actions tend to grab our attention. They become moments when those actions create they being the Centre of Attention.

Lots of Changes in Eclipse Month

The Fire energy shifts things that were stuck. Having said that do not jump to the conclusion “I now have the opening I have been longing for to move things forward.” I will add, be cautious about coming to such a decision. This 9 Fire month is happening in an Eclipse season. Eclipse months always carry a lot of changes. For sure be grateful for that opening that the Fire energy of this October has created for you.

November is 8 Earth Child Star Month

Be patient though to see where those changes land in November when we move into an 8 Earth Child Star month. Things will be easier to discern in Mid November when the 8 Earth Star would have granted us some stability and clarity as what is now in front of us.


9 Fire Star is about your heart, endocrine system and small intestine. Looking after these organs this month is important. I would say dominantly important. Rapid Heart Beat…please don’t pop a pill and hope for the best. If I can be blunt…that would be dumb. Much better to slow down and step away from whatever you are doing.

9 Fire Star is about your heart, endocrine system and small intestine. Looking after these organs this month is important. I would say dominantly important. Rapid Heart Beat…please don’t pop a pill and hope for the best. If I can be blunt…that would be dumb. Much better to slow down and step away from whatever you are doing.

If you are a woman put your right thumb on your belly button and just breathe deeply with your feet flat on the ground. Let everything move in the direction of smooth and cool. No hassle, no fuss. All of those demands can wait as your heart is calling out for some tender loving care. If a man let it be your left thumb.
Please too complicated to get into why the difference.
OK, let’s keep it simple, I acknowledge there is a difference between men and women. I am from the Dinosaur age.

Cosmos Lights Out

On October 14 the Cosmos is switching off the light of the Sun for a short while.
Sorry folks, I do not have access to all those sophisticated words about the Cosmos. If the Cosmos is doing that to the Sun…I guess I need to take that hint and not push ahead with projects or things I want to accomplish. Basically, I am in the dark on that day with those to do items.
TIME to sit my butt down and follow the hint of what the Sun is saying at all levels. Simple eating is called for on that day.


Yes, some women are engaged with that process during this 9 Fire Child Star Month with these Eclipses…what guidance does the 9 Fire Child Star have for them.
Menopause ladies, please don’t be scared about this Fire month. I know that word Fire when women are engaged with that transition can be scary for them.
Here is what the 9 Fire Child Star Goddess suggest that you do.

3 Wood Star is in North East

On Saturday October 14…take a walk for ten minutes and get some Sky Juice without digital devices.Relaxed walk with ease. On returning home discover where the North East direction is. Once you have discovered it there is is the 3 Wood Star which has a very smooth unfolding relationship with the 9 Fire Star. Sit facing in that direction, there will be a comfortable feeling of Ease with the 9 Fire Star.
This is connecting with the 9 Fire Star in a soft and gentle way. The 9 Fire star would be pleased that you have made time to acknowledge her. This is another narrative with your Menopause which the Cosmos would open up for you. The 9 Fire Goddess energy wants you to feel that you are reaching out to it for a deeper Relatedness.


This is a precious month for bonding with your baby. Deeper conversations with you and your baby and the Cosmos are waiting for you to embrace it. This Ritual comes straight from my E Book…Your Emotions and The Alchemy of TIME.

Bonding with your baby brings Blessings

I want to suggest that it is very important for a mother to bond with her child. This viewpoint has been well established by the late Hungarian Professor Dr. Jeno Raffai. They are all based on well-founded opinions about our needs as humans. At the epicentre is the primal need of the baby to be bonded with its mother where it feels safe, secure, protected and obviously loved. On the other side is the mother’s need to feel connected and bonded with her forthcoming baby.
Prof Raffai was a Psychotherapist and had ways of communicating with the mother to connect her with her baby when she was pregnant. I am not a Psychologist nor do I have any training in that area. What I do have is common sense and having worked with pregnant women over the last four decades, there are simple suggestions that facilitate this bonding.


On this day October 28th we have another situation where the Cosmos is turning off the Lights of the Moon. As we all know Moon is our link to our mind. In case you wonder how can I say that? Well just reflect on the word LUNATIC…I think that answers it for all of us. On that day…Emotionally we are in the Dark. Blind leading the blind if we start getting attached to our emotions. Leave them alone. A day to embrace being Smooth and Cool and letting things be all simple and low key.

May the 9 Fire Child Star bless you with a month of deep clarity and insights as you humble yourself.

1 thought on “October Eclipse Nine Fire Month in 2023”

  1. Thanks you Rex for suggestions simple actions that we can take wherever we are on our hormonal journey. So helpful to be able to anticipate phases of turbulence that need particular awareness too.


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Rex Lassalle