The 9 Fire Star month in 2020 begins on October 9 and goes till November 7th. Here is a 9 Fire Star chart with the Star numbers in the different directions.


As I mentioned in my blog a few days ago, wherever the 5 Earth Star resides, it is best to avoid travelling in that direction, especially long distance travel. If that is the direction you drive everyday to go to work and it is within 30 kilometres of your home. It is not really an issue. Having said that I would suggest that you engage with some maintenance procedures with your car or other modes of transport. This will save you from surprises and shocks with your daily commute. The oil that best supports the North in this 9 Fire Star month is the Australian KUNZEA oil. Strange to say, I realize that I need to stop using that word “strange” in my writing with things, which I become aware. As the world is a very strange place now, with all that we see happening, in society. The pronouncements of those who hold power and the sources of communication are in fact bizarre. I think the term that is now being used is the “new normal.” Be that as it may, in the realm of connecting with nature and the Earth, what I am about to suggest is actually very normal in that context from ancient times. As nature and its trees, herbs, flowers and fauna were our resources for healing. Kunzea is an excellent oil that supports you in handling your challenges and obstacles in life during this 9 Fire Star month. A simple way to use it is to first connect with its essence. Yes readers, my narrative about the oils is not coming from the Fix It solution based mind set. It is coming from cultivating a relationship with the oils. Relationship is the key when one is engaging with the realm of the Unseen. The Young Living oils are Quantum Fields of possibilities. To facilitate that aspect of the oils you need to open yourself to have a relationship with them. That they actually talk to you. When you open the bottle of oil, slowly sniff it from each nostril a few times. Let your brain cells start having an experience with the oil. Connect with some gratitude for having the spirit of that tree or trees be now part of your life. You now have the opportunity to interact with it in a very personal way. It is with that approach which I suggest you use these oils. That word Magic will start being part of your experience with the oils. In a way it is not, it is just that you are no longer interacting with them as a mundane activity. You have given it a level of acknowledgement that then allows such blessings to flow from using them. 

 The Sacred directions are an Unseen dimension of life. It is within our relationship with it that energy and experiences becomes available that can give a “taste” a feeling of something special and nurturing. A deeper relationship with the Earth and the elements become available.

So what are the oils for the different directions this 9 Fire Star month?

First off the oil that connects with the 9 Fire Star this month is Dream Catcher. I guess the 9 Fire Star is suggesting this is a month in this year for us to be present and aware of our dreams. For those who have diffusers this would be the oil to diffuse in your bedroom when sleeping this month.

In the East this month we have the 7 Metal Star and the oil is Joy

In the North East this month we have the 3 Wood Star and the oil is Immun Power

In the North this month we have the 5 Earth Star and the oil is Kunzea

In the North West this month we the 1 Water Star and the oil is Balsam Fir

In the West this month we have the 2 Earth Star and the oil is Light the Fire

In the South West this month we have the 6 Metal Star and the oil is Journey On

This information and guidance is all new, it does not exist anywhere else. It comes from my experience of using the oils everyday for almost eleven years. Blending this experience with more than four decades of working with the 9 Star Ki system. Where I experience TIME as something way beyond the 24/7 mind set that is viewed as the norm, which I call the Alchemy of TIME.

How best to use this guidance?

There are many ways.

Having the oil that is linked to your Adult star will surely make a difference and having that as a “go to” oil in your day will most certainly facilitate quantum field experiencs in your day.

To have the Kunzea as your “problem solving” oil will bring another level of support to stress issues and challenges.

Some of you may want to explore the oils where you sleep.

I find that the N.E. N.W. S.W. and S.E. are more potent in their effectiveness with nourishing your sleep experience. Ah, another aspect to this is sleeping with your head in the East or West. I look forward to your experiences with this guidance.

Let the oils be your teacher and guide.

Enjoy, Rex

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Rex Lassalle