Awoke, poems pumping through my veins
Childhood visitations graced my morning
In that sea of Alpha Brain waves poems unfolded
Demanding to the computer I had to go
So I did and these childhood memories
Ripened into empowering fruits. All from Inner Child and its gifts

Back to memory lane
A precious moment with my father brought this poem to me this morning.
You have to do
What you have to do
What the neighbours think?
The neighbours will always
Think what they have to think
Rex you have to do
What you have to do
A mantra from my father
When I was ten
I asked him
Dad what would the neighbours think?
When he was doing what he was doing
They would think what they have to think
This remains an integral part of my DNA
Some even take a stand to correct my DNA orientation
Leaning back
Dad reminds me
Rex! You have to do what you have to do.
This is true for all of us and You have to do what You have to do.