2023 Guidance from 4 Wood Goddess Star

Your Emotional Guidance Code Resides


Yes that circle below with its code tells you where your Child Star resides this year

You discover your Child Star from the year and the month you were born

Do you want to know what yours is?

You can get it here

The first 3 Free Chapters of Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME 

In one of FOUR languages

Yes this latest book is now in four languages…imagine that!

French, Italian, German, English

To describe the emotional impact that the year will have on You

W e have to look at which house your Child Star occupies during 2023

The template for the houses in the 9 Star Ki system is given from the pattern of the

 5 Earth Star

Where those Elemental Stars are located in that 5 Earth Star Loshu Circle gives you the house which each Star natively occupies

To make things even clearer for you, I’ve added the House numbers (which never change) in a black-coloured smaller typeface to the 9 Ki Circles in this post for both the 4 Wood Star and the 5 Earth Star.

For example in the 5 Earth Loshu Circle where the 3 Wood Star is located is called the 3 Wood House. Accordingly, where the 6 Metal Star is located is called the 6 Metal House, and where the 5 Earth Star is located is the 5 Earth House.

Now that we know that let us discover which house that our Child Star is located this year

The 4 Wood Goddess Star is mothering her 2 Earth Child Star this year in the 3 Wood House

When You look at the 4 Wood Goddess Star Year you see that the 2 Earth Child star is in the 3 Wood house

What Emotional Guidance does the 4 Wood Goddess Star mother have to suggest to your 2 Earth Child Star this year?

Let’s discover

Because it is a time of new beginnings. Be flexible with your planning this year as impulsive moments may occur more frequently this year. When that occurs give yourself the space and listening to its call. Especially when your blood sugar level is stable. Do explore such moments. New areas of interest can arise for you; connecting with new friends can also unfold from such impulsive moments.

Meal Times

Avoid heavy late night dinners, a good year to go light on the animal food. Please I am not here to advocate any particular diet for people. Yes I have my experience and for sure I have seen the benefits of a more vegan dietary practice. But the wide variety of lifestyles and allergic responses that are now out there with so many people.
I am reluctant to go down that path.

Lifestyle Suggestions

Stretching exercises, dance classes, yoga are all activities that can boost your Oxytocin levels this year. Embrace what works for you and make time for it.
Should skin issues occur for you do check your spice intake, spices like cilantro and fennel will create a smoother experience for you and your skin compared to garlic and chillies this year. It is a good year for you to be active and bring out things that you have created.
Should a swing in your energy occurs where you feel as if things are sucking you down.
Your 4 Wood Goddess Star mother is prompting you to engage with some cardio vascular activity. She is not asking you to do this all the time but a useful tip for those…”just in case” days.

What about the 3 Wood Child Star Personalities?

Here is the mothering guidance from the 4 Wood Goddess Star for her 3 Wood Child Star

Who is in the 4 Wood House this Year

This is a communicating year for you. As your 4 Wood Goddess Star is suggesting that you need to communicate about your emotional needs because you will discover new aspects of it. She is asking you to engage with your 3 Wood Child Star and for you to remain receptive to its spontaneity.
There can occur moments where it is not “always the same”

Something else can occur and can open for you.

This is where such deep conversations with yourself can occur. Where habits or patterns of “always the same” can shift. Obviously this is not a daily experience but with a generous inner listening such moments can occur this year for you.

Dream Messages

Pay attention to your dreams and adjust your day should a dream that really moves you or brings a series of new symbols to your unconscious. In such moments your 4 Wood Goddess Star mother is whispering her wisdom to you…do listen. As she knows how to directly communicate with your subconscious mind. Remember she is Your Mother this year.

Self Care Year for You

Let this be a year of supporting and nourishing your health and well being.
Be receptive to the wind, some winds can really inspire you and bring a fresh nourishing quality to your energy field.

Sometimes though your body might not like the “taste” of a wind. Being quiet and indoors would be a wise choice in those moments. Be receptive to things you hear around you be this from nature…sound of a stream, the hissing of wind to the leaves. Be the listener and communicator this year.
Gargling be it with some herb tea, salty water or just water. This can be a go to ritual in those moments when you need to be in the groove with your productivity.

The 4 Wood Goddess Star sends her blessings and guidance to all beings for 2023

May all prosper and be blessed

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Rex Lassalle