Those two words don’t seem to go together. Yet over the last six years I have had my share of them and those traumas were blessings for me. Blessings in that the traumas were letting me know that I need to be more authentic about who I am in life.

I am aware that friends and people who have known me over the decades, this seems quite shocking. I guess more accurately, surprising. I think it is important to give a context for what I am about to share.


In the last year I have done many online consultations with clients and friends and a common theme has been about Trauma in their lives. The vast majority of these online consultations were with women. As my book Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME has created a wave of interest. Because of this the need for a generous listening ear is asked of me.


Oftentimes there is some trauma that the woman has which she has not been able to process. By connecting her with her Child Star this creates a big shift for her. As my book Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME describes her Child Star in greatt detail. These details include simple rituals that they can do to dissolve traumatic experiences. In that way they feel the support from their Child Star. Yet at times, I feel a big stalling on the woman’s part as regards taking the conversation to completion.

Alpha Male Ex Army Officer

As Alpha Male ex Army officer gets in the way. I was an Army Officer, went to Prison for twenty seven months for leading a mutiny, did Martial Arts etc etc. The vulnerability is not there to be seen at least that is the projection I sense that women have in their projected narrative about me.

Hence, there is then a withhold in the conversation. The reality is that some aspect of who I am is getting in the way to really get to the bottom of the trauma and be of service to them.
When I share those moments of vulnerability and heartache this will create a deeper level of receptivity as regards what I can offer and who I am in the conversation.

Serving Women & Their Families

My work now is predominantly geared to women and their families along with pregnant women, doulas and midwives. This all arises from the interest that women have in this book …yes Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME. Especially Sara Devoy a Craniosacral therapist from Ireland, she has been using the guidance from my book with her clients in the last eighteen months with incredible results. She kept nagging me that I need to bring this work to women and their families. So I have and from this a Community began with a good friend of hers who is also a Craniosacral therapist from America. Christianna Deichmann. We now have the Orinoco Flows Community.


There is too much to explain here about that except that a large part of my ancestry with both parents. As they came from this region in Venezuela. Yes Indigenous ancestors, and their mysterious ways of bringing me onto a path. Please I am now entering into a dialogue that has no logic and is not part of our educational system. But this domain of feelings and relatedness is profound and tangible. Yes the Traumatic Blessings are related to social situations where their presence in my “aura/energy field” was toxic to some individuals.

Space & Its Occurrence


Space brings many messages
Many blessings they bring
Painful initiations never requested
Yet imposed upon me

All a shock
Beyond that
A trauma
Pierced my being

As an order
A request for peace and calm
In their sacred domain
I dutifully respect

Yet the order is to Space
For me to shift the experience
In their Space
As my Ancestors are disturbing the Space

A plague that disrupts their Space
Send them to the Light
I am ordered
Stop being attached to them

No questions about who I am?
How come Ancestors are in my aura?
Could it be that I am an Indigenous man?
Finding his way on the plantation

Can that be possible with him?
Yes I am
What a blessed initiation this is
Denigrating my ancestors in public

So I can FEEL the pain they have carried
From the Patriarchal impositions
They have faced over millennia
Now granting me the sacredness of their presence

From Your denigration
Send them to the Light
I welcome that darkness
I have no need for your Light

What you praise
Alienation is its presence for me
As genocide becomes present
When they are sent to the Light

What a sacred blessing you gave me
Thank you for confirming my authenticity
Sacred Space

Rex Lassalle

Space & Granma Julia

There was a second one that happened somewhat later. This was about trampling and discarding “practices/habits” that I have with my work. My request to the client was totally ignored. This shook me to my bones triggering a trembling heart straight back to my Granma Julia and her embryonic transmission about Space. Space was a vast part of her approach to healing. You can see it with how she holds me as a baby…in SPACE Rather than cuddling me which is how you would normally see photos of gran children with their grandmothers.


Had to embrace alienation
Saw it in other places
Decades long practice
Going back decades

Informing the client
Leave the tidying up to me
This is part of my treatment.
Arrogance arose with I am not one of those

Whatever those meant
Destroying a four decade practice
She “tidies up”
After the treatment

Pulled it up in front of me
Shaking my ancestral bones to the burial ground
Heart beat in shock
Trembling in my bones

Ancestral gift given to me
By Granma Julia the traditional indigenous healer
Where surrender to Space after her efforts
Was at the core of her healing

Given to me in embryonic development
No words, yet that knowledge I knew
Felt and embraced over the decades
In my classes and treatments

Now this ancestral disruptor
Seeks to destroy that guidance
Dismissing it to the burial ground
No such dismissal occurred

As short white mini skirt felt my shaking bones
Heard it in my voice
Yet pursued her manipulative skills
Suggesting disruptor bribe me after her consultation
To come for dinner for me to be chef that evening.

Shocked I turned it down
As short white mini skirt hustler projection
Dissolved in front of her
Rejecting bribe left her puzzled

Embracing alienation arose
In that hostile environment.
From the Ancestral burial ground

All Sacred Blessing Experiences

Please be aware there is no anger with these poems as those experiences blessed me by bringing me closer to my Ancestors. For this I am deeply grateful

1 thought on “”

  1. Hi Rex,
    Very profound and interesting. I shall explore the Orinoco Flows Community further and try to catch up on more of your writings. I have not been connected for a while. Much love.


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Rex Lassalle