Doing no being

Human always doing, being got deleted
Human always doing, happiness got deleted 
Human always somewhere else, being present got deleted 
Human always somewhere else, thoughtfulness got deleted 

Never now never here  
Always behind always somewhere else never here 
Always plugged in somewhere else never here 
Always texting – somewhere else never here 

Rushing, hurrying, scurrying, can’t catch up  
Always behind hospital waiting 
Cemetery waiting here and now waiting 
Nobody listening everybody going  

Over the decades I have seen this “Doing No Being” as the dominant expression for the majority of us who live in cities especially large ones. It was the predominant reality for the majority of clients I treated, especially in the last thirty years.

Here is a very simple remedy that takes less than seven minutes to bring you home to yourself.
This treatment is linked to the Marma Points as shown in the chart “These points and how to use them are all in my Spa Massage book with Marma point charts.”

If I can be blunt with readers, these points go deeper than the Acupuncture points as they have a direct link to our Astral body. In fact, in traditional Vedic cremation ceremonies the Hindu Pundit sings hymns naming the Marma Points.

I am not disowning my Shiatsu practice by sharing this.

As you come to the closing chapters of your life, it is good to share core experiences of what has worked especially when treating yourself. This is one that works magic, especially when you do it with the Young Living Essential Oil Stress Away. For those who would like to get this oil, here is my Young Living Membership number 1117477.

Follow me as I show it.

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Rex Lassalle