TRAUMATIC BLESSINGS FROM ORINOCO FLOWS Those two words don’t seem to go together. Yet over the last six years I have had my share of them and those traumas were blessings for me. Blessings in that the traumas were letting me know that I need to be more authentic about who I am in life. … Read more


There they are standing in the worldThose twelveAttachments grasping addictionsStuck with mental illusions Anger comes alongAddictions not working well todayAnxiety arises mixed with angerWill addictive fix happen today? It did notDepression darknessNow governs that mindGot to change it with some junk food Then again I don’t like itWhat do I like?Ah!Where is my cell phone? … Read more


When that To Do List is not happening Disappointments occur! Something is also present in those moments. This poem puts you in the picture with those moments. This poem is from my forthcoming book of poems FINNISH MOMENTS DISAPPOINTMENTS REALLY? We sit Quiet is our demand Yet busy birds squawk Spring is here How else … Read more


CRISIS COACHING & CLUTTERING TIME I remember some years ago a senior executive came to see me for a consultation. After sharing with me her numerous stresses. I said to her “Your To Do List is strangling You. Make Time for Being.” She then said to me “how do you Do Being?” That reply told … Read more

Rex Lassalle